Monday 16th : Midnight Arrival. The immigration folks thought I am staying too short to warrant a second check. Oh well, get me to the hotel. The taxi drive not bad- got some money from the scotia ATM. The hotel is nice, right at Nelson & Granville..said to be the club strip alongside Yale and Gastown districts downtown. The hotel room is plush...quite cozy
Tuesday 17th: Got up early to visit the Consulate. A little disappointing with turn of events. Got it under control- praying it all works out. Hosted friends in my room. Took to bed early. Did some reading..finished off "Who took my cheese". Did I mention breakfast was great? Pack of drunks on the street high on Green beer...the breakfast room is also an Irish pub: befitting for St. Patricks Day. Thank God you left. Thanks!
Wednesday 18th: Breakfast was short. Got the package! Thank goodness..thanks guys- my hommies: y'all came thru. Thinking about doing Reggae tonight- has stuff on my mind. Started reading Are We Rome? Book deserves a review piece..I might do it. Did some law briefing..umm..productive..went to bed instead of heading out. Oh well, there is tomorrow. Enjoyed Dinner at the Thai Place. Asians have taken over in Van...its a good thing for the economy here I think. Which recession?
Thursday 19th: Early bird. Sorted things out- thank goodness it all worked out well. Breakfast was cool. Got back to chat with friends, and finalize club details. Was at adjoining Starbucks for Vanilla Latte..whateva. Bought some memorabilia. Head out on Red Bus for tour of downtown...nice architecture. China town was a marvel..the steam clock. Nyce! Stopped over at Pacific Mall & Gallery of Art. The best Contemporary Art Gallery in the world I think. Took my turn on a turntable. Spent 45 mins enjoying vintage music. The collection here is a must see..Nice place. Will head out tonight. Update tmrw. Need to finish one law brief b4 I head out.
Friday, 20th: Last full day in Vancouver. My flight is early tmrw. Wrapped up stuff on these briefs today..headed out beyond the arts district to the Marina. Its beautiful out here. Stanley Park and back. After finishing off a wrap of Sharwamam, its time to lay wait for the night. Boss downtown on Pacific is the perfect ending to a wonderful week. O Canada!
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