I guess I am coming to the end of a journeylicous summer, but it is far from over. Sitting right now in the hotel room in downtown Toronto. The Weather couldn't be more perfect for the Caribana (Carribean Festival) festivities that will resume in few hours. The flight from Houston to Bufallo went well, even though my buddy who sat at the wing section of the plane said otherwise. I got a good sit with legroom in from on the Southewest Airlines. The immigration protocol at the border at Niagara Falls went well; I look forward to taking Niagara Falls pics on our way back..from the Canadian side. Hopefully in good time to catch our flight back.
We hit a upscale lounge yesterday..gorgeous board walk here. I still think Vancouver is more beautiful, but Toronto got soul it seems. Will be headed to do some MBA Grad School ground work at University of Toronto and York University today, and perhaps visit Toronto Island. A Jet Skii ride is not a bad idea...we do have a rental drop top- perfect for this weather. I have been able to do quite a few work, even though those of my surbodinates calling me from work will find it funny I am sending them a flurry of tasks via mail but won't pick my phone..thanks to Rogers roaming..sorry dad. Toronto is a change from Texoma and East Texas (Cooper) that I was out working last two weekends. Not so fast since Nebraska and South Dakota are slowly creepingon my as this project escalates.
But I am determined to enjoy this. I enjoyed London, Aberdeen, New York and yes now Toronto. Lest I forget DC, San Antonio and Vancouver. Couldn't have been a more whirlwind Summer unh?