Tuesday, June 05, 2007

More of the same Republican Debate

Wow..what a difference four years make unh? Watching the Republicans debates made me ask myself if they were democrats not because they suddenly discovered religion of socialized medicine but because they were just in disarray. They disagreed on fundamentally everything except the war, which they all agree is the best thing after toast bread, and which I think makes even the candidacy of Lincoln running on this party's platform in 2008 absolutely dead on arrival. But at this point I must admit their sharp differences on the issue of immigration, gays in military, President Bush and foreign policy made for better TV than that boring democratic crap called debate. However, how can one fail to see their biggest differences not amongst themselves but with their current mentor, savior and guide (Dubya of course) on the issue of pollution and global warming. I loved their collective spin on this as a security issue and they sure looked good while lying. Typical politicians

One thing that was not different in this debate was their social status, race and gender. Where are the women, minorities and poor persons like Congressan Kucinich in this debate? Did I hear you say Tancredo? I think that moron smoked some weed before he took that stage. People like him make the Grand Old Pedophiles (GOP) look like a bunch of xenophobes. Not that they are not, but at least they are smart enough to reserve such sentiments for their closets or Lou Dobbs TV Show that attract close to as many viewers as buyers of George Bush Proclamation of the end of Iraq War Novel. But Lord , what can ten (now eleven) white men tell you about this party? This is no doubt a party on the brink of extinction. White men are a dying breed- white women don't marry any more, even if they do- they don't like having children, if they do have children it will be one or two, and for the most part nature makes it more likely for them to have girls than boys. See why the party is over? GOP wake up! I know you like young boys (like Foley R-Florida -LOL!) but please Hispanics, Blacks, Women & Middle Class need some love too! I dedicate this group to the cave man pictured above- they are relics

There was no area these rich white men seem more disconnected than when it came to the issue of big oil and healthcare reforms. Not only do they have a losing message, I think the Democrats will relish making them gawk when the real deal starts along with their yeye position on the war. How about that nobody attacking Bill Clinton? Forget Tancredo- as if anyone cared if he was barred from the White House. Ego is evil thing to massage. Yeye man. In any case, I have the perfect answer for Big Oil Profit questions for Country Club Republicans and Pro Growth Democrats- those are my kinds. It is simple- level with the people and let them know big oil pass these profits back to them as shareholders through taxpayer's pensions funds or retirement accounts. I bet you it will fly. Who doesn't own one oil stocks directly or indirectly? Who hates their retirement in sunny Florida?

Okay I am biased, but McCain had a good night- passionate & deliberative, Rudy was stellar in getting his message honed and Romney was unapologetic. Me thinks Bush was the only loser- he lost his party tonight or better still they lost him. Gosh- even my guy Paul won't pardon Bush's second brain. What is happening people?


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