Thursday, September 12, 2024

2023 - The Year of Big Bold Moves, 2024 the Quadratic Year?

Numbers do have meaning I think. For me, the years of 3's (1993, 2003, 2013) always seem to go by without any resounding big life milestone. No graduation, no birth, no deaths, no drama.

Such was 2023 except there were big moves. Nigeria has an election. I took on a new work leaving a company I built for nearly 15 years, and entered public service full time.

The year was also built around opportunities for me. A year that my emotional intelligence was tested and here we are in 2024, the year of the 4 decades for me.

One week to my birthday, I checked this blog that I have wanted to updated for months and figured it is good to drop a line or two on here -the only word is GRATITUDE.

The journey has been intense but eventful. In this four decades, I'm most grateful to four categories of people on this journey: My Parents - for without them, the core values and opportunities I have today I many never even smell, I stand on the shoulder of giants; My Family - this include my wife, my siblings and my cousins; they've brought only laughter and joy to my life. They've aided, challenged and driven my progress in life in ways they cannot even imagine. Because of them I'm complete and for this I'm grateful; My Friends - I think I've been blessed with the best group of friends any man can ask for. From primary to secondary to university to even my post-school work life, I've been blessed with good humans who always root for me, stand in the gap for me and give me the best advice. Inclusive of this are my very older aged mentors, my older friends; My Children - Isaac and Isabella have only brought profound sense of responsibility to my life's journey. These two angels have been instrumental to my humanity, they are the reason I do what I do when all lights are off and because of them I'm blessed. 

As I look forward to celebrate next week, I'm conscious of the saying that a Fool at Forty is a Fool Forever, how about a wise men? Does the converse apply? I hope it does. 


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